ObsessILY Develog #7

(It may be weird to start at #7, but I've had the develog being updated in my Discord server and this is post 7, but for those who are just joining, welcome!)

It's been about 4 months since my last ObsessILY developer log, (in the server) so here we are! Let's go over what's going on! Basically, I'm 99% sure I've gotten EVERYTHING written/coded! (I say 99% because I'm sure there are little tidbits and bugs that I've missed.) All 16 endings are programmed and should be working and the game has came out to approximately 120,000 words. Wow. What's next?

I'm focusing on the art at the moment! This may take me a while, though. a reminder that sprites and a lot of CGs are animated somewhat! Instead of tackling everything at once however, I've decided to focus on the prologue of the game so I can release a demo for people to play. Regarding demo assets, I've already got all the sprites needed for Christopher and I'm currently working on Saber's. I'll need to also make a reference sheet for Icarus soon so I can get to work on his sprites. I've got a video showing off how some final sprites look over on my Instagram and Discord server.

After the art and UI, I'll be needing to make some more songs for the OST as I'm missing a few needed for the prologue. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and I'm able to get a demo finished before the year ends!

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